How Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Works
Many people may already be familiar with how MLM works, so this article is more for those who have yet to fully come out of society, or are just fresh out of school and about to come into contact with…
Many people may already be familiar with how MLM works, so this article is more for those who have yet to fully come out of society, or are just fresh out of school and about to come into contact with…
Stupidity tax is the cost incurred due to one’s ignorance. Ignorance is not bliss. It cost something. Sometimes it is people’s lives, sometimes it is people’s future, and often times in a less serious case it is the extra money…
In 1957, Dr. Curt Richter from John Hopkins did an experiment with rats. By placing a few rats in a bucket or jar of water with no way out, he watched how long the rats would last before drowning. Do…
In the world of the financial markets, there have been many so-called experts proclaiming and predicting a bunch of things. From Youtubers to legit analysts from well-known banks, there are numerous analysis from the stock market to the forex market,…
Background In light of the current affairs of these days, I thought this article will be a useful piece for my readers. Do read that with the knowledge of current affairs of today in mind, and with what we have…
If you ever played the game Civilisation, you will realise that to develop the country well you need to scale up many things, of which the following are the more important ones – science, production, economy and military. While balancing…
Before the period of the Covid pandemic, many buffet restaurants operated on a self-help basis. Customers will just go to the food area on their own and take whichever food they would like back to their table. Be it cooked…
Our job, usually the first income source we have and the only income source for most. While there is a need for us to have multiple sources of income, many people are still largely reliant only on their job. But…
My job is that of a shift leader. To describe simply, I manage a team of 7 staff on my shift. Together with my team we manage about a group of workers as we work towards a certain objective. There…
Some years back there was this trend of opening cafés in Singapore. I did not know if this trend is also the same for other countries, but during that time many cafés popped up, and everywhere you go you see…
During the era of my great-grandfather, there was war. To die was a common fate. To survive was top priority. They did what they could to secure a chance for their children to survive, be it by fleeing the land…
This is the last time you will hear this Chinese phrase in this article series: 老人怕死,女人怕醜,男人好色,孩子貪玩 / 怕笨. This translates to “The old are scared of death, the women are afraid of being ugly, the men are lustful, the children…