Insurances – Part I

Insurances, something which many bought and something which many do not care about. There are those who swear by it and those who said they are a scam. Especially in countries where there are no welfare benefits, insurances become more…

If I Had Known

‘If I had known’ is a phrase which many of us have said it ourselves, and have heard many others said it. It is a lamentation of the fact that we cannot predict the future, and hence unable to make…

[04102021] Crypto Updates

Some of you might have heard, but Binance has been the target of quite a few countries. Most recently, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (the Monetary Regulatory of Singapore, “MAS”) whacked Binance, and Singapore users has been informed that as…

Gym Memberships

Gym memberships – something that is popular among young adults these days. Few years back it was all the rage. There was always someone beside me who signed up for an expensive gym membership. It almost became a status symbol.…