How Should I Spend My University Days?
You have just got into university. A fresh 3 or 4 years worth of adventure waiting for you. You are free from your parents, whether you like it or not, and you are a free man or woman now. What…
You have just got into university. A fresh 3 or 4 years worth of adventure waiting for you. You are free from your parents, whether you like it or not, and you are a free man or woman now. What…
How useful is a university degree? Many parents want their children to go to university, and to those students who are able to, university seems to be a default ‘final’ stop in education before officially going out to society. But…
You are a teenager or a young adult who worked hard throughout your school term, and you now have $10,000 in your pocket. You know that financial planning starts young and you do not want to wait till it is…
Recently there was a flash crash in the crypto market. After BTC hit an all time high of about 69,000 USDT per Bitcoin, it slowly dropped but remained at a consistent level for some time. I was doing homework and…
In our last article we talked a lot on residential property. In this article we will talk about the different types of properties you may consider for your investment. Afterall investment in real estate does not necessarily have to be…
Once people has a certain amount of money they want to use for long term investments, one of the first category of investments they usually think about is property. It is not surprising, seeing how a roof over our head…
People often do not know how to differentiate the price of an item and the value of an item. The value of things is not something that can be explained easily. But in this case we will use a simple…
Recently I went to see Youtube videos regarding the crypto, forex and commodity market. I mainly play crypto currency, but recently also started playing forex (GBP/USD) and commodities (XAU/USD). Just a declaration for transparency here, I am a fail trader.…
Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) is a method used by many and sworn by many as the fail safe way to trade or invest. Basically, at every fixed time interval, be it 1 week, 1 month or 1 year, you put…
As mentioned in one of my first articles, many of us commoners start off from the same level playing field – from an average background, receiving education in a free and peaceful society, having a healthy body and average intelligence.…