Issues With Mailing System

There has been an issue with the mailing system. It did not send out notifications on the previous post. Essentially the mailing service decided to stop providing service to me, with issues relating to the content of this blog. As all my readers would know, I do not deal with illegal nor immoral things, but only focus on achieving financial freedom, with also articles on current affairs. But my content on current affairs has largely been unfavourable when it comes to the US, hence that might be the reason for the suspension of service.

I have subscribed to a new service, but as with the experience of others in the same field, if our topics has been flagged up as unfavourable by the service providers, such incidents will not only stop at one. There might be more to come, which I hope not. In the mean time, to all my subscribers, I have resent an email on subscribing the newsletters. Do check your inbox or junk mail to see if you have received it, then click confirm subscription to continue receiving the latest updates. If you have received the email in your junk folder, do whitelist my email address.

For those who had used their WordPress accounts to subscribe previously, unfortunately I am able to send you a notification email. Do come back to our blog to subscribe again. The subscription option is at the front page and at all pages with articles.

Once again, thank you for your support. I will try to deliver quality content as best as I can, even if it pisses off some.

issues with mailing system

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