Pencil Leads

Pencil Leads

Life Expectancy

For all the talk about life, politics, economics and everything, sometimes straightforward data presented in a visually digestable format is the fastest way to get an idea across. That is why I am introducing a new feature in this blog…


Civilization is a computer game series in which the player starts off with one settler and one warrior in the ancient days, then work their way up to be the greatest nation or empire on Earth. There are a few…


Freedom, a concept which many of us seem to know, yet at the same time do not know anything about. We probably first personally experience this word as a teenager as we were fighting for freedom from our parents’ control.…

Feel Good Comics

Recently I started reading some feel good Korean manhwa and Chinese manhua, which basically means comic in their respective languages. I generally do not read or watch this kind of stories, but will do so occasionally for some light-hearted moments.…