The construction of a proper building can take anywhere from 2 to 4 years at normal speed. It involves the laying of the foundations, of reinforcing the foundations with iron bars and concrete, of piling up of stone one upon…
The construction of a proper building can take anywhere from 2 to 4 years at normal speed. It involves the laying of the foundations, of reinforcing the foundations with iron bars and concrete, of piling up of stone one upon…
I graduated with a degree in Statistics. I remembered once when doing a school project, I told my team leader: ‘Tell me the results you want and I will churn out the necessary statistics for you.’ Statistics manipulation have been…
Credibility is important not only to the individuals, but to the corporations and to the country as well. US’s credit ratings are given an AAA because of the confidence that it will be able to repay its debt. People buy…
In part 1 of this 2 part-series we talked about scrimping every single cent we can in order to maximise our savings. However, just that alone will not get us out of the bottom class. To get out, we need…
In every society there is always the bottom class. The family so poor they cannot afford anything decent and the kid who often goes hungry. I have seen people climb up from that situation by themselves as an individual, but…
In life there are a few big ticket items we have to pay for should we want to live a decent life. Education to ensure we are knowledgeable and skilled for better employability and higher salaries. Housing, so that we…
In one of my previous articles, I cautioned readers to be wary of lending money to others. Today I am going to talk about the scam which your borrower may trick you into when borrowing and repaying your money. I…
Few days back I had dinner with a university undergraduate, who have 2 more years to go before graduation. He mentioned that he was very lost as to what to do and felt that he was incapable of doing a…
When I was a child, I could not understand when people said, ‘Money is difficult to earn’. Later when I had my first part time job as a waiter, I remembered thinking that earning money was not that difficult afterall.…
Many people may already be familiar with how MLM works, so this article is more for those who have yet to fully come out of society, or are just fresh out of school and about to come into contact with…
Stupidity tax is the cost incurred due to one’s ignorance. Ignorance is not bliss. It cost something. Sometimes it is people’s lives, sometimes it is people’s future, and often times in a less serious case it is the extra money…
Before the period of the Covid pandemic, many buffet restaurants operated on a self-help basis. Customers will just go to the food area on their own and take whichever food they would like back to their table. Be it cooked…