Category My Own Journey


This will be a very short post. This website was created in 2008, and throughout the years I have wrote different things. This website has undergone 3 major revamps, each with a different type of content as I grew up…


There were a few classic animes or manga for people of my generation. The earlier part consists of stories like Slam Dunk or Flame of Recca, and then later we have Bleach and Fullmetal Alchemist. Today, I will talk about…


看山是山,看山不是山,看山還是山 This is a famous Chinese saying which translates to: Seeing a mountain as it is, then realising that there is more to the mountain, and finally understanding that the mountain is still a mountain. The above reflects the 3…


Freedom, a concept which many of us seem to know, yet at the same time do not know anything about. We probably first personally experience this word as a teenager as we were fighting for freedom from our parents’ control.…