This will be a very short post.

This website was created in 2008, and throughout the years I have wrote different things. This website has undergone 3 major revamps, each with a different type of content as I grew up and focused on different things. This version talks about my journey towards financial freedom and the sharing of my knowledge on it. The first post on this blog was on 25 August 2021, and it has been 2 years since I started, clocking 187 articles as of now.

Whether I earn money or not from this, I will still write, just as how I have written over the years since I was 15 despite earning nothing from it. But that being said, it also only makes sense to try to monetise my hobby without being too intrusive or disruptive to it. Hence the Resources section is set up.

The Resources section is essentially a shop introducing the different products I use or will be helpful as one journey towards financial freedom. Of course, nothing inside will give you a sudden boost in your journey, but things from investment and trading tools, to help save your time and to help open your first online store can be found there. Over time, I will gradually add more products related to and appropriate to the theme of this blog’s content. While I may directly sell some of these things, most of these products or services are not provided by me. Rather, I earn a referral fee by introducing new customers to the companies.

In line with the nature of this blog, and to encourage my readers to browse through the products, each product will be accompanied by one article typical of what is written in this blog, covering topics from financial literacy to current affairs, politics to psychology. While some articles may contain points previously discussed, I will also try to inject unique content to make it worth reading. This Resource page can be considered a side quest, and I will not send out a notification for every new product upload to prevent spam. Rather, whenever there is a new product, I will notify my readers through the latest article. Of course, do check in the Resource section every now and then in case you miss out my articles.

For now, there are 4 products uploaded:

  1. 7500 PowerPoint Templates
  2. Namecheap Domain Registration
  3. OctaFX Trading Platform
  4. Support Us

Currently the Resource section is still quite bare with only the basic design, but it will be improved over time as I try to find pockets of time in between work and my daily fight for financial freedom. Although earning extra side income is a good thing, but my main satisfaction comes from writing and sharing of my knowledge itself. So the best support any reader can give is to continually read what I write and to share with others the content which you may find useful. It comes as a surprise to me though, that recent sets of data shows that quite a few of my readers come from Algeria. Do sign up at the sidebar to receive notifications whenever a new content is published! Do take note that upon signing up, you will still need to go to open your email and confirm the subscription. Or simply head to the homepage, and follow any of our social media.

Let us journey towards freedom together.

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